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Creedo / setup / Eclipse runtime configuration

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Eclipse runtime configurations for Creedo


You need an Apache Tomcat runtime. This might already be presented as part of your Eclipse setup. If not you can create one as follows:

  • Right-click on the project Creedo, select "Properties"

  • Select "Targeted Runtimes"

  • Click on "New" and select "Apache Tomcat v7.0" and check "Create a new local server"

  • Click on "Next" and select the directory where you store Apache Tomcat, then click "Finish"

Configuring Creedo Specific Settings in Runtime

Right-click on the Creedo project in the project explorer view, select "Run as", then select "Run on Server"

Choose your server and make sure Creedo is on the "configured" side of the applications menu.

When you click "Finish", the application should be deployed and running, but we're not finished yet. We haven't told Creedo yet, which configuration file to use.

Stop the server by clicking on the red rectangle in the server tab. Click on "Run", then "Run Configurations", then select your new configuration in the Apache Tomcat entry on the configuration list on the left.

Select the tab "Arguments" and append a line like "-Dapplication.config.file=/path/to/our/". Adjust the path to your local application configuration file. In the end the tab with the command line string should like something like this.
